Module futureexpert.pool


class CheckInPoolResult (**data: Any)
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class CheckInPoolResult(BaseModel):
    """Result of the check in pool process.

    time_series_metadata: builtins.list
        Metadata for all time series that were uploaded.
    version_id: builtins.str
        Version under which the time series have been stored.
    time_series_metadata: list[dict[Any, Any]]
    version_id: str

Result of the check in pool process.


time_series_metadata : builtins.list
Metadata for all time series that were uploaded.
version_id : builtins.str
Version under which the time series have been stored.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var model_config
var time_series_metadata : list[dict[typing.Any, typing.Any]]
var version_id : str
class PoolCovDefinition (**data: Any)
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class PoolCovDefinition(BaseModel):
    """Definition of a single requested pool_cov.

    pool_cov_id: builtins.str
        ID of a the pool_cov as it is found on POOL.
    version_id: typing.Optional
        ID of one specific version. If not defined, the newest version
        of the pool_cov will be returned.
    pool_cov_id: str
    version_id: Optional[str] = None

    def _validate_ids(self) -> Self:
        if self.version_id:
        return self

Definition of a single requested pool_cov.


pool_cov_id : builtins.str
ID of a the pool_cov as it is found on POOL.
version_id : typing.Optional
ID of one specific version. If not defined, the newest version of the pool_cov will be returned.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var model_config
var pool_cov_id : str
var version_id : str | None
class PoolCovOverview (overview_json: dict[Any, Any])
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class PoolCovOverview():
    """Contains all functionality to inspect, view and process the POOL covariates."""

    def __init__(self, overview_json: dict[Any, Any]) -> None:

        overview_json: builtins.dict
            Covariate raw data.
        self.detailed_pool_cov_information = pd.DataFrame(overview_json).rename(
            columns={"distance": "granularity", 'indicator_id': 'pool_cov_id'})

    def pool_cov_information(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Allows to access the covariates reduced to the most important columns (name, description, pool_cov_id)"""
        return self.detailed_pool_cov_information.loc[:, ['name', 'description', 'pool_cov_id']]

    def get_versions_of_pool_cov(self, pool_cov: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Returns the version information of a single pool_cov.

        pool_cov: pandas.core.series.Series
            One row representing a single pool_cov of the detailed_pool_cov_information.

        Table with the following columns
            name, description, pool_cov_id: meta information about the selected pool_cov.
            reference_time: The timestamp at which the data was available. Usually very similar to created_at.
            created_at: The timestamp at which the pool_cov data was accessed.
            first_observation: The timestamp of the earliest observation.
            final_observation: The timestamp of the latest oversevation.
        versions = pd.DataFrame(pool_cov["versions"])

        # Create new columns with 'name' and 'description'
        new_columns = pd.DataFrame({
            'name': pool_cov['name'],
            'description': pool_cov['description'],
            'pool_cov_id': pool_cov['pool_cov_id']
        }, index=versions.index)

        # Concatenate new columns with existing DataFrame
        return pd.concat([new_columns, versions], axis=1)

    def query(self, expr: str) -> PoolCovOverview:
        """Use a query expression to filter the data.

        expr: builtins.str
            Query expression that is used to filter the data. See pandas.DataFrame.query() for more information.

        A new instance of PoolCovOverview with only the filtered data.
        queried_df = self.detailed_pool_cov_information.query(expr).reset_index(drop=True)
        if len(queried_df.index) == 0:
            raise ValueError('No data found after applying the filter.')
        return PoolCovOverview(queried_df.to_records(index=False))

    def create_pool_cov_definitions(self) -> list[PoolCovDefinition]:
        """Creates a list of definitions for all covariates in the data. This list
        can then be used to create a version via check_in_pool,

        List of definitions.
        pool_cov_information = (self.detailed_pool_cov_information
                                .loc[:, ['pool_cov_id']]
        return [PoolCovDefinition.model_validate(pool_cov) for pool_cov in pool_cov_information]

Contains all functionality to inspect, view and process the POOL covariates.



overview_json : builtins.dict
Covariate raw data.

Instance variables

prop pool_cov_information : pd.DataFrame
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def pool_cov_information(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Allows to access the covariates reduced to the most important columns (name, description, pool_cov_id)"""
    return self.detailed_pool_cov_information.loc[:, ['name', 'description', 'pool_cov_id']]

Allows to access the covariates reduced to the most important columns (name, description, pool_cov_id)


def create_pool_cov_definitions(self) ‑> list[PoolCovDefinition]
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def create_pool_cov_definitions(self) -> list[PoolCovDefinition]:
    """Creates a list of definitions for all covariates in the data. This list
    can then be used to create a version via check_in_pool,

    List of definitions.
    pool_cov_information = (self.detailed_pool_cov_information
                            .loc[:, ['pool_cov_id']]
    return [PoolCovDefinition.model_validate(pool_cov) for pool_cov in pool_cov_information]

Creates a list of definitions for all covariates in the data. This list can then be used to create a version via check_in_pool,


List of definitions.

def get_versions_of_pool_cov(self, pool_cov: pd.Series) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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def get_versions_of_pool_cov(self, pool_cov: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Returns the version information of a single pool_cov.

    pool_cov: pandas.core.series.Series
        One row representing a single pool_cov of the detailed_pool_cov_information.

    Table with the following columns
        name, description, pool_cov_id: meta information about the selected pool_cov.
        reference_time: The timestamp at which the data was available. Usually very similar to created_at.
        created_at: The timestamp at which the pool_cov data was accessed.
        first_observation: The timestamp of the earliest observation.
        final_observation: The timestamp of the latest oversevation.
    versions = pd.DataFrame(pool_cov["versions"])

    # Create new columns with 'name' and 'description'
    new_columns = pd.DataFrame({
        'name': pool_cov['name'],
        'description': pool_cov['description'],
        'pool_cov_id': pool_cov['pool_cov_id']
    }, index=versions.index)

    # Concatenate new columns with existing DataFrame
    return pd.concat([new_columns, versions], axis=1)

Returns the version information of a single pool_cov.


pool_cov : pandas.core.series.Series
One row representing a single pool_cov of the detailed_pool_cov_information.


Table with the following columns
name, description, pool_cov_id: meta information about the selected pool_cov. reference_time: The timestamp at which the data was available. Usually very similar to created_at. created_at: The timestamp at which the pool_cov data was accessed. first_observation: The timestamp of the earliest observation. final_observation: The timestamp of the latest oversevation.
def query(self, expr: str) ‑> PoolCovOverview
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def query(self, expr: str) -> PoolCovOverview:
    """Use a query expression to filter the data.

    expr: builtins.str
        Query expression that is used to filter the data. See pandas.DataFrame.query() for more information.

    A new instance of PoolCovOverview with only the filtered data.
    queried_df = self.detailed_pool_cov_information.query(expr).reset_index(drop=True)
    if len(queried_df.index) == 0:
        raise ValueError('No data found after applying the filter.')
    return PoolCovOverview(queried_df.to_records(index=False))

Use a query expression to filter the data.


expr : builtins.str
Query expression that is used to filter the data. See pandas.DataFrame.query() for more information.


A new instance of PoolCovOverview with only the filtered data.