Module futureexpert.forecast

Contains the models with the configuration for the forecast and the result format.


def combine_forecast_ranking_with_matcher_ranking(forecast_results: list[ForecastResult],
matcher_results: list[MatcherResult]) ‑> list[ForecastResult]
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def combine_forecast_ranking_with_matcher_ranking(forecast_results: list[ForecastResult],
                                                  matcher_results: list[MatcherResult]) -> list[ForecastResult]:
    """Ranks the forecasts based on the matcher results.

    forecast_results: builtins.list
        Results of a forecast run and the corresponding input data.
    matcher_results: builtins.list
        Results of a covariate matcher run and the corresponding input data.

    The forecast results with the models adjusted based on the matcher ranking.
    new_results = []

    for fc_res in forecast_results:
        fc_res_new = fc_res.incorporate_matcher_ranking(matcher_results)

    return new_results

Ranks the forecasts based on the matcher results.


forecast_results : builtins.list
Results of a forecast run and the corresponding input data.
matcher_results : builtins.list
Results of a covariate matcher run and the corresponding input data.


The forecast results with the models adjusted based on the matcher ranking.

def export_forecasts_to_pandas(results: list[ForecastResult]) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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def export_forecasts_to_pandas(results: list[ForecastResult]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Export forecasts of the best model including lower and upper limits of prediction interval.

    results: builtins.list
        The forecast results as provided by get_fc_results.

    A DataFrame where each row represents the forecast information of a single timeseries of a certain date.
    forecast_list = []
    for ts_result in results:
        [best_model] = [model for model in ts_result.models
                        if model.model_selection.ranking is not None
                        and model.model_selection.ranking.rank_position == 1]
        for fc in best_model.forecasts:
            ts_forecast = {'name':}
    return pd.DataFrame(forecast_list)

Export forecasts of the best model including lower and upper limits of prediction interval.


results: builtins.list The forecast results as provided by get_fc_results.


A DataFrame where each row represents the forecast information of a single timeseries of a certain date.

def export_forecasts_with_overview_to_pandas(results: list[ForecastResult]) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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def export_forecasts_with_overview_to_pandas(results: list[ForecastResult]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Export forecasts with metadata from a list of ForecastResult objects to a pandas DataFrame.

    results: builtins.list
        The forecast results as provided by get_fc_results.

    A DataFrame where each row represents the forecast information of a single time series
    for a certain date, combined with the metadata.

    metadata_df = export_result_overview_to_pandas(results)
    forecasts_df = export_forecasts_to_pandas(results)
    merged_df = pd.merge(forecasts_df, metadata_df, on='name', how='outer', validate="many_to_one")

    return merged_df

Export forecasts with metadata from a list of ForecastResult objects to a pandas DataFrame.


results: builtins.list The forecast results as provided by get_fc_results.


A DataFrame where each row represents the forecast information of a single time series for a certain date, combined with the metadata.

def export_result_overview_to_pandas(results: list[ForecastResult]) ‑> pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
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def export_result_overview_to_pandas(results: list[ForecastResult]) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Extracts various time series insights, metadata, and other information from the forecast results: builtins.list
    and compiles them into an overview table. Contains model information about the best model.

    results: builtins.list
        The forecast results as provided by get_fc_results.

    A DataFrame where each row represents the insights for one time series.

    overview_list = []
    for ts_result in results:
        [best_model] = [model for model in ts_result.models
                        if model.model_selection.ranking is not None
                        and model.model_selection.ranking.rank_position == 1]
        overview_for_ts: dict[str, Any] = {"name":}
        if ts_result.input.actuals.grouping:
            'model': best_model.model_name,
            'cov': best_model.covariates[0].name if best_model.covariates else np.nan,
            'cov_lag': best_model.covariates[0].lag if best_model.covariates else np.nan,
            'season_length': ts_result.ts_characteristics.season_length,
            'ts_class': ts_result.ts_characteristics.ts_class,
            'quantization': (ts_result.ts_characteristics.quantization
                             if ts_result.ts_characteristics.quantization else np.nan),
            'trend': ts_result.ts_characteristics.trend.is_trending if ts_result.ts_characteristics.trend else np.nan,
            'recent_trend': (ts_result.ts_characteristics.recent_trend.is_trending
                             if ts_result.ts_characteristics.recent_trend else np.nan),
            'missing_values_count': (len(ts_result.ts_characteristics.missing_values)
                                     if ts_result.ts_characteristics.missing_values else np.nan),
            'outliers_count': (len(ts_result.ts_characteristics.outliers)
                               if ts_result.ts_characteristics.outliers else np.nan)
    return pd.DataFrame(overview_list)

Extracts various time series insights, metadata, and other information from the forecast results: builtins.list and compiles them into an overview table. Contains model information about the best model.


results: builtins.list The forecast results as provided by get_fc_results.


A DataFrame where each row represents the insights for one time series.


class AccuracyMeasurement (**data: Any)
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class AccuracyMeasurement(BaseModel):
    """Accuracy measurement of a specific model and measure.

    measure_name: builtins.str
        Name of the accuracy measure.
    value: builtins.float
        Value of the accuracy measure
    index: futureexpert.shared_models.PositiveInt
        Fc step or backtesting iteration used for calculating the accuracy measure
    aggregation_method: builtins.str
        Method used to compute measure values from BT results.
    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
    measure_name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1)]
    value: float
    index: ValidatedPositiveInt
    aggregation_method: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1)]

Accuracy measurement of a specific model and measure.


measure_name : builtins.str
Name of the accuracy measure.
value : builtins.float
Value of the accuracy measure
index : PositiveInt
Fc step or backtesting iteration used for calculating the accuracy measure
aggregation_method : builtins.str
Method used to compute measure values from BT results.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var aggregation_method : str
var indexPositiveInt
var measure_name : str
var model_config
var value : float
class BacktestingValue (**data: Any)
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class BacktestingValue(ForecastValue):
    """Point forecast value with corridor of a forecast step in backtesting."""
    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
    fc_step: ValidatedPositiveInt

Point forecast value with corridor of a forecast step in backtesting.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


Class variables

var fc_stepPositiveInt
var model_config
class ChangePoint (**data: Any)
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class ChangePoint(BaseModel):
    """Details about change points of the time series.

    time_stamp_utc: datetime.datetime
        The time stamp with a detected change point.
    change_point_type: builtins.str
        The type of the change point
    time_stamp_utc: datetime
    change_point_type: str

Details about change points of the time series.


time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
The time stamp with a detected change point.
change_point_type : builtins.str
The type of the change point

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var change_point_type : str
var model_config
var time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
class ChangedStartDate (**data: Any)
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class ChangedStartDate(BaseModel):
    """Details about a changed start date of the time series.

    original_start_date: datetime.datetime
        The original start date.
    changed_start_date: datetime.datetime
        The used start date.
    change_reason: builtins.str
        The reason why the start date was changed.
    original_start_date: datetime
    changed_start_date: datetime
    change_reason: str

Details about a changed start date of the time series.


original_start_date : datetime.datetime
The original start date.
changed_start_date : datetime.datetime
The used start date.
change_reason : builtins.str
The reason why the start date was changed.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var change_reason : str
var changed_start_date : datetime.datetime
var model_config
var original_start_date : datetime.datetime
class ChangedValue (**data: Any)
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class ChangedValue(BaseModel):
    """Details about a changed value of the time series.

    time_stamp_utc: datetime.datetime
        The time stamp of the value.
    changed_value: builtins.float
        The replacement value.
    original_value: typing.Optional
        The original value.
    change_reason: builtins.str
        The reason why a value was changed.
    time_stamp_utc: datetime
    changed_value: float
    original_value: Optional[Annotated[float, Field(allow_inf_nan=False)]]
    change_reason: str

Details about a changed value of the time series.


time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
The time stamp of the value.
changed_value : builtins.float
The replacement value.
original_value : typing.Optional
The original value.
change_reason : builtins.str
The reason why a value was changed.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var change_reason : str
var changed_value : float
var model_config
var original_value : float | None
var time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
class ComparisonDetails (**data: Any)
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class ComparisonDetails(BaseModel):
    """Provides details about backtesting, ranking and accuracy measures.

    backtesting: typing.Sequence
        The forecasts used for model evaluation.
    accuracy: typing.Sequence
        Calculated accuracy measures.
    ranking: typing.Optional
        Details about the ranking of the models.
    plausibility: typing.Optional
        Plausibility status of the backtesting.
    backtesting: Sequence[BacktestingValue]
    accuracy: Sequence[AccuracyMeasurement]
    ranking: Optional[RankingDetails]
    plausibility: Optional[Plausibility]

Provides details about backtesting, ranking and accuracy measures.


backtesting : typing.Sequence
The forecasts used for model evaluation.
accuracy : typing.Sequence
Calculated accuracy measures.
ranking : typing.Optional
Details about the ranking of the models.
plausibility : typing.Optional
Plausibility status of the backtesting.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var accuracy : Sequence[AccuracyMeasurement]
var backtesting : Sequence[BacktestingValue]
var model_config
var plausibilityPlausibility | None
var rankingRankingDetails | None
class ForecastInput (**data: Any)
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class ForecastInput(BaseModel):
    """Input data of a forecast run.

    actuals: futureexpert.shared_models.TimeSeries
        Time series for which the forecasts where performed.
    covariates: typing.Sequence
        Covariates if used.
    actuals: TimeSeries
    covariates: Sequence[Covariate]

Input data of a forecast run.


actuals : TimeSeries
Time series for which the forecasts where performed.
covariates : typing.Sequence
Covariates if used.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var actualsTimeSeries
var covariates : Sequence[Covariate]
var model_config
class ForecastResult (**data: Any)
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class ForecastResult(BaseModel):
    """Result of a forecast run and the corresponding input data.

    input: futureexpert.forecast.ForecastInput
        Actuals and Covariates of the forecast run.
    ts_characteristics: futureexpert.forecast.TimeSeriesCharacteristics
        Characteristics of the time series.
    changed_start_date: typing.Optional
        Details about a changed start date of the time series.
    changed_values: typing.Sequence
        Details about changed value of the time series.
    models: builtins.list
        Details about all models that where ranked.
    input: ForecastInput
    ts_characteristics: TimeSeriesCharacteristics
    changed_start_date: Optional[ChangedStartDate] = None
    changed_values: Sequence[ChangedValue]
    models: list[Model]

    def incorporate_matcher_ranking(self, matcher_results: list[MatcherResult]) -> ForecastResult:
        """Combines the ranking with the ranking from the matcher run.

        matcher_results: builtins.list
            Results of a covariate matcher run and the corresponding input data.

        The forecast results with the models adjusted based on the matcher ranking.
        fc_result = deepcopy(self)
        actuals_name =
        matcher_rankings = [item.ranking for item in matcher_results if == actuals_name]

        if len(matcher_rankings) > 1:
            raise ValueError('Invalid matcher results found: Only one result per time series is permitted.')
        if len(matcher_rankings) == 0:
  'For {actuals_name} no MATCHER results were found. FORECAST ranking is used instead.')
            return fc_result

        new_models = []
        for matcher_ranking_details in matcher_rankings[0]:
            covs_config = [CovariateRef(, lag=cov.lag) for cov in matcher_ranking_details.covariates]

            valid_models = [model for model in fc_result.models
                            if model.covariates == covs_config]

            valid_models.sort(key=lambda model: model.model_selection.ranking.rank_position)  # type: ignore

            if valid_models:
                selected_model = valid_models[0]
                selected_model.model_selection.ranking.rank_position = matcher_ranking_details.rank  # type: ignore

        if len(new_models) != len(matcher_rankings[0]):
  '''Some MATCHER models are missing in the FORECAST. This could be caused by\n
                            - the model failed in the forecast run\n
                            - not all forecast models were downloaded
                            (for more model results, adjust parameter include_k_best_models)''')
        new_models.sort(key=lambda model: model.model_selection.ranking.rank_position)  # type: ignore
        fc_result.models = new_models
        return fc_result

Result of a forecast run and the corresponding input data.


input : ForecastInput
Actuals and Covariates of the forecast run.
ts_characteristics : TimeSeriesCharacteristics
Characteristics of the time series.
changed_start_date : typing.Optional
Details about a changed start date of the time series.
changed_values : typing.Sequence
Details about changed value of the time series.
models : builtins.list
Details about all models that where ranked.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var changed_start_dateChangedStartDate | None
var changed_values : Sequence[ChangedValue]
var inputForecastInput
var model_config
var models : list[Model]
var ts_characteristicsTimeSeriesCharacteristics


def incorporate_matcher_ranking(self, matcher_results: list[MatcherResult]) ‑> ForecastResult
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def incorporate_matcher_ranking(self, matcher_results: list[MatcherResult]) -> ForecastResult:
    """Combines the ranking with the ranking from the matcher run.

    matcher_results: builtins.list
        Results of a covariate matcher run and the corresponding input data.

    The forecast results with the models adjusted based on the matcher ranking.
    fc_result = deepcopy(self)
    actuals_name =
    matcher_rankings = [item.ranking for item in matcher_results if == actuals_name]

    if len(matcher_rankings) > 1:
        raise ValueError('Invalid matcher results found: Only one result per time series is permitted.')
    if len(matcher_rankings) == 0:'For {actuals_name} no MATCHER results were found. FORECAST ranking is used instead.')
        return fc_result

    new_models = []
    for matcher_ranking_details in matcher_rankings[0]:
        covs_config = [CovariateRef(, lag=cov.lag) for cov in matcher_ranking_details.covariates]

        valid_models = [model for model in fc_result.models
                        if model.covariates == covs_config]

        valid_models.sort(key=lambda model: model.model_selection.ranking.rank_position)  # type: ignore

        if valid_models:
            selected_model = valid_models[0]
            selected_model.model_selection.ranking.rank_position = matcher_ranking_details.rank  # type: ignore

    if len(new_models) != len(matcher_rankings[0]):'''Some MATCHER models are missing in the FORECAST. This could be caused by\n
                        - the model failed in the forecast run\n
                        - not all forecast models were downloaded
                        (for more model results, adjust parameter include_k_best_models)''')
    new_models.sort(key=lambda model: model.model_selection.ranking.rank_position)  # type: ignore
    fc_result.models = new_models
    return fc_result

Combines the ranking with the ranking from the matcher run.


matcher_results : builtins.list
Results of a covariate matcher run and the corresponding input data.


The forecast results with the models adjusted based on the matcher ranking.

class ForecastValue (**data: Any)
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class ForecastValue(BaseModel):
    """Point forecast value with corridor of a forecast.

    time_stamp_utc: datetime.datetime
        The time stamp of the forecast value.
    point_forecast_value: builtins.float
        The forecast value.
    lower_limit_value: typing.Optional
        Lower limit of the prediction interval.
    upper_limit_value: typing.Optional
        Upper limit of the prediction interval.
    time_stamp_utc: datetime
    point_forecast_value: Annotated[float, Field(allow_inf_nan=False)]
    lower_limit_value: Optional[Annotated[float, Field(allow_inf_nan=False)]]
    upper_limit_value: Optional[Annotated[float, Field(allow_inf_nan=False)]]

Point forecast value with corridor of a forecast.


time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
The time stamp of the forecast value.
point_forecast_value : builtins.float
The forecast value.
lower_limit_value : typing.Optional
Lower limit of the prediction interval.
upper_limit_value : typing.Optional
Upper limit of the prediction interval.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel


Class variables

var lower_limit_value : float | None
var model_config
var point_forecast_value : float
var time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
var upper_limit_value : float | None
class ForecastingConfig (**data: Any)
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class ForecastingConfig(BaseConfig):
    """Forecasting configuration.

    fc_horizon: futureexpert.shared_models.PositiveInt
        Forecast horizon.
    lower_bound: typing.Optional
        Lower bound applied to the time series and forecasts.
    upper_bound: typing.Optional
        Upper bound applied to the time series and forecasts.
    confidence_level: builtins.float
        Confidence level for prediction intervals.
    round_forecast_to_integer: builtins.bool
        If true, then forecasts are rounded to the nearest integer (also applied during backtesting).
    use_ensemble: builtins.bool
        If true, then calculate ensemble forecasts. Automatically makes a smart decision on which
        methods to use based on their backtesting performance.

    fc_horizon: Annotated[ValidatedPositiveInt, pydantic.Field(ge=1, le=60)]
    lower_bound: Union[float, None] = None
    upper_bound: Union[float, None] = None
    confidence_level: float = 0.75
    round_forecast_to_integer: bool = False
    use_ensemble: bool = False

    def numeric_bounds(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
        return (
            self.lower_bound if self.lower_bound is not None else -np.inf,
            self.upper_bound if self.upper_bound is not None else np.inf,

Forecasting configuration.


fc_horizon : PositiveInt
Forecast horizon.
lower_bound : typing.Optional
Lower bound applied to the time series and forecasts.
upper_bound : typing.Optional
Upper bound applied to the time series and forecasts.
confidence_level : builtins.float
Confidence level for prediction intervals.
round_forecast_to_integer : builtins.bool
If true, then forecasts are rounded to the nearest integer (also applied during backtesting).
use_ensemble : builtins.bool
If true, then calculate ensemble forecasts. Automatically makes a smart decision on which methods to use based on their backtesting performance.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


Class variables

var confidence_level : float
var fc_horizonPositiveInt
var lower_bound : float | None
var model_config
var round_forecast_to_integer : bool
var upper_bound : float | None
var use_ensemble : bool

Instance variables

prop numeric_bounds : tuple[float, float]
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def numeric_bounds(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
    return (
        self.lower_bound if self.lower_bound is not None else -np.inf,
        self.upper_bound if self.upper_bound is not None else np.inf,
class MethodSelectionConfig (**data: Any)
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class MethodSelectionConfig(BaseConfig):
    """Method selection configuration.

    number_iterations: futureexpert.shared_models.PositiveInt
        Number of backtesting iterations. At least 8 iterations are needed for empirical prediction intervals.
    shift_len: futureexpert.shared_models.PositiveInt
        Number of time points by which the test window is shifted between backtesting iterations.
    refit: builtins.bool
        If true, then models are refitted for each backtesting iteration.
    default_error_metric: typing.Literal
        Error metric applied to the backtesting error for non-sporadic time series.
    sporadic_error_metric: typing.Literal
        Error metric applied to the backtesting errors for sporadic time series.
    additional_accuracy_measures: builtins.list
        Additional accuracy measures computed during model ranking.
    step_weights: typing.Optional
        Mapping from forecast steps to weights associated with forecast errors for the given forecasting step.
        Only positive weights are allowed. Leave a forecast step out to assign a zero weight.
        Used only for non-sporadic time series. If empty, all forecast steps are weighted equally.
    additional_cov_method: typing.Optional
        Define up to one additional method that uses the defined covariates for creating forecasts. Will not be
        calculated if deemed unfit by the preselection. If the parameter forecasting_methods: typing.Sequence
        is defined, the additional cov method must appear in that list, too.
    cov_combination: typing.Literal
        Create a forecast model for each individual covariate (single)
        or a model using all covariates together (joint).
    forecasting_methods: typing.Sequence
        Define specific forecasting methods to be tested for generating forecasts.
        Specifying fewer methods can significantly reduce the runtime of forecast creation.
        If not specified, all available forecasting methods will be used by default.
        Given methods are automatically preselected based on time series characteristics of your data.
        If none of the given methods fits your data, a fallback set of forecasting methods will be used instead.

    number_iterations: Annotated[ValidatedPositiveInt, pydantic.Field(ge=1, le=24)] = PositiveInt(12)
    shift_len: ValidatedPositiveInt = PositiveInt(1)
    refit: bool = False
    default_error_metric: Literal['me', 'mpe', 'mse', 'mae', 'mase', 'mape', 'smape'] = 'mse'
    sporadic_error_metric: Literal['pis', 'sapis', 'acr', 'mar', 'msr'] = 'pis'
    additional_accuracy_measures: list[Literal['me', 'mpe', 'mse', 'mae', 'mase', 'mape', 'smape', 'pis', 'sapis',
                                               'acr', 'mar', 'msr']] = pydantic.Field(default_factory=list)
    step_weights: Optional[dict[ValidatedPositiveInt, pydantic.PositiveFloat]] = None

    additional_cov_method: Optional[AdditionalCovMethod] = None
    cov_combination: Literal['single', 'joint'] = 'single'
    forecasting_methods: Sequence[ForecastingMethods] = pydantic.Field(default_factory=list)

Method selection configuration.


number_iterations : PositiveInt
Number of backtesting iterations. At least 8 iterations are needed for empirical prediction intervals.
shift_len : PositiveInt
Number of time points by which the test window is shifted between backtesting iterations.
refit : builtins.bool
If true, then models are refitted for each backtesting iteration.
default_error_metric : typing.Literal
Error metric applied to the backtesting error for non-sporadic time series.
sporadic_error_metric : typing.Literal
Error metric applied to the backtesting errors for sporadic time series.
additional_accuracy_measures : builtins.list
Additional accuracy measures computed during model ranking.
step_weights : typing.Optional
Mapping from forecast steps to weights associated with forecast errors for the given forecasting step. Only positive weights are allowed. Leave a forecast step out to assign a zero weight. Used only for non-sporadic time series. If empty, all forecast steps are weighted equally.
additional_cov_method : typing.Optional
Define up to one additional method that uses the defined covariates for creating forecasts. Will not be calculated if deemed unfit by the preselection. If the parameter forecasting_methods: typing.Sequence is defined, the additional cov method must appear in that list, too.
cov_combination : typing.Literal
Create a forecast model for each individual covariate (single) or a model using all covariates together (joint).
forecasting_methods : typing.Sequence
Define specific forecasting methods to be tested for generating forecasts. Specifying fewer methods can significantly reduce the runtime of forecast creation. If not specified, all available forecasting methods will be used by default. Given methods are automatically preselected based on time series characteristics of your data. If none of the given methods fits your data, a fallback set of forecasting methods will be used instead.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


Class variables

var additional_accuracy_measures : list[typing.Literal['me', 'mpe', 'mse', 'mae', 'mase', 'mape', 'smape', 'pis', 'sapis', 'acr', 'mar', 'msr']]
var additional_cov_method : Literal['AdaBoost', 'ARIMA', 'CART', 'CatBoost', 'ExtraTrees', 'Glmnet(l1_ratio=1.0)', 'LightGBM', 'LinearRegression', 'MLP', 'RandomForest', 'SVM', 'XGBoost'] | None
var cov_combination : Literal['single', 'joint']
var default_error_metric : Literal['me', 'mpe', 'mse', 'mae', 'mase', 'mape', 'smape']
var forecasting_methods : Sequence[Literal['AdaBoost', 'Aft4Sporadic', 'ARIMA', 'AutoEsCov', 'CART', 'CatBoost', 'Croston', 'ES', 'ExtraTrees', 'Glmnet(l1_ratio=1.0)', 'MA(granularity)', 'InterpolID', 'LightGBM', 'LinearRegression', 'MedianAS', 'MedianPattern', 'MLP', 'MostCommonValue', 'MA(3)', 'Naive', 'RandomForest', 'MA(season lag)', 'SVM', 'TBATS', 'Theta', 'TSB', 'XGBoost', 'ZeroForecast']]
var model_config
var number_iterationsPositiveInt
var refit : bool
var shift_lenPositiveInt
var sporadic_error_metric : Literal['pis', 'sapis', 'acr', 'mar', 'msr']
var step_weights : dict[PositiveInt, float] | None
class MissingValue (**data: Any)
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class MissingValue(BaseModel):
    """Details about a missing value of the time series.

    time_stamp_utc: datetime.datetime
        The time stamp with a missing value.
    time_stamp_utc: datetime

Details about a missing value of the time series.


time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
The time stamp with a missing value.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var model_config
var time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
class Model (**data: Any)
Expand source code
class Model(BaseModel):
    """Model which was created for a specific run.

    model_name: builtins.str
        Name of the model.
    status: futureexpert.forecast.ModelStatus
        Status of the model.
    forecast_plausibility: futureexpert.forecast.Plausibility
        Plausibility status of the forecast.
    forecasts: typing.Sequence
        Forecast values from the model.
    model_selection: futureexpert.forecast.ComparisonDetails
        Details about the model selection.
    test_period: typing.Optional
        Details about the test period (if calculated).
    covariates: typing.Sequence
        Information about the covariate if one was used.
    method_specific_details: typing.Any
        Some additional method specific information.
    model_name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1)]
    status: ModelStatus
    forecast_plausibility: Plausibility
    forecasts: Sequence[ForecastValue]
    model_selection: ComparisonDetails
    test_period: Optional[ComparisonDetails]
    covariates: Sequence[Union[CovariateRef]] = Field(default_factory=list)
    method_specific_details: Any = None

    model_config = ConfigDict(
        protected_namespaces=()  # ignore warnings about field names starting with 'model_'

Model which was created for a specific run.


model_name : builtins.str
Name of the model.
status : ModelStatus
Status of the model.
forecast_plausibility : Plausibility
Plausibility status of the forecast.
forecasts : typing.Sequence
Forecast values from the model.
model_selection : ComparisonDetails
Details about the model selection.
test_period : typing.Optional
Details about the test period (if calculated).
covariates : typing.Sequence
Information about the covariate if one was used.
method_specific_details : typing.Any
Some additional method specific information.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var covariates : Sequence[CovariateRef]
var forecast_plausibilityPlausibility
var forecasts : Sequence[ForecastValue]
var method_specific_details : Any
var model_config
var model_name : str
var model_selectionComparisonDetails
var statusModelStatus
var test_periodComparisonDetails | None
class ModelStatus (*args, **kwds)
Expand source code
class ModelStatus(str, Enum):
    """Supported status of a model."""
    Successful = 'Successful'
    FallbackSuccessful = 'FallbackSuccessful'
    InsufficientCovs = 'InsufficientCovs'
    RemovedByPreselection = 'RemovedByPreselection'
    Unknown = 'Unknown'
    NoEvaluationPossible = 'NoEvaluationPossible'
    NoForecastPossible = 'NoForecastPossible'
    NoTestPeriodEvaluationPossible = 'NoTestPeriodEvaluationPossible'
    MissingPredictionIntervals = 'MissingPredictionIntervals'

Supported status of a model.


  • builtins.str
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var FallbackSuccessful
var InsufficientCovs
var MissingPredictionIntervals
var NoEvaluationPossible
var NoForecastPossible
var NoTestPeriodEvaluationPossible
var RemovedByPreselection
var Successful
var Unknown
class Outlier (**data: Any)
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class Outlier(BaseModel):
    """Details about an outlier of the time series.

    time_stamp_utc: datetime.datetime
        The time stamp with a detected outlier.
    original_value: builtins.float
        The value of the detected outlier.
    time_stamp_utc: datetime
    original_value: float

Details about an outlier of the time series.


time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
The time stamp with a detected outlier.
original_value : builtins.float
The value of the detected outlier.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var model_config
var original_value : float
var time_stamp_utc : datetime.datetime
class PipelineKwargs (*args, **kwargs)
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class PipelineKwargs(TypedDict):
    preprocessing_config: PreprocessingConfig
    forecasting_config: ForecastingConfig
    method_selection_config: NotRequired[MethodSelectionConfig]

dict() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in iterable: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)


  • builtins.dict

Class variables

var forecasting_configForecastingConfig
var method_selection_configMethodSelectionConfig
var preprocessing_configPreprocessingConfig
class Plausibility (*args, **kwds)
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class Plausibility(str, Enum):
    """Supported plausibilities."""
    NotCalculated = 'NotCalculated'
    Plausible = 'Plausible'
    Implausible = 'Implausible'

Supported plausibilities.


  • builtins.str
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var Implausible
var NotCalculated
var Plausible
class PreprocessingConfig (**data: Any)
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class PreprocessingConfig(BaseConfig):
    """Preprocessing configuration.

    remove_leading_zeros: builtins.bool
        If true, then leading zeros are removed from the time series before forecasting. Is only applied
        if the time series has at least 5 values, including missing values.
    use_season_detection: builtins.bool
        If true, then the season length is determined from the data.
    seasonalities_to_test: typing.Optional
        Season lengths to be tested. If not defined, a suitable set for the given granularity is used.
        Season lengths can only be tested, if the number of observations is at least three times as
        long as the biggest season length. Note that 1 must be in the list if the non-seasonal case should
        be considered, too. Allows a combination of single granularities or combinations of granularities.
    fixed_seasonalities: typing.Optional
        Season lengths used without checking. Allowed only if `use_season_detection` is false.
    detect_outliers: builtins.bool
        If true, then identifies outliers in the data.
    replace_outliers: builtins.bool
        If true, then identified outliers are replaced.
    detect_changepoints: builtins.bool
        If true, then change points such as level shifts are identified.
    detect_quantization: builtins.bool
        If true, a quantization algorithm is applied to the time series. Recognizes quantizations in the historic
        time series data and, if one has been detected, applies it to the forecasts.

    remove_leading_zeros: bool = False
    use_season_detection: bool = True
    # empty lists and None are treated the same in apollon
    seasonalities_to_test: Optional[list[Union[list[ValidatedPositiveInt], ValidatedPositiveInt]]] = None
    fixed_seasonalities: Optional[list[ValidatedPositiveInt]] = None
    detect_outliers: bool = False
    replace_outliers: bool = False
    detect_changepoints: bool = False
    detect_quantization: bool = False

    def _has_no_fixed_seasonalities_if_uses_season_detection(self) -> Self:
        if self.use_season_detection and self.fixed_seasonalities:
            raise ValueError('If fixed seasonalities is enabled, then season detection must be off.')

        return self

Preprocessing configuration.


remove_leading_zeros : builtins.bool
If true, then leading zeros are removed from the time series before forecasting. Is only applied if the time series has at least 5 values, including missing values.
use_season_detection : builtins.bool
If true, then the season length is determined from the data.
seasonalities_to_test : typing.Optional
Season lengths to be tested. If not defined, a suitable set for the given granularity is used. Season lengths can only be tested, if the number of observations is at least three times as long as the biggest season length. Note that 1 must be in the list if the non-seasonal case should be considered, too. Allows a combination of single granularities or combinations of granularities.
fixed_seasonalities : typing.Optional
Season lengths used without checking. Allowed only if use_season_detection is false.
detect_outliers : builtins.bool
If true, then identifies outliers in the data.
replace_outliers : builtins.bool
If true, then identified outliers are replaced.
detect_changepoints : builtins.bool
If true, then change points such as level shifts are identified.
detect_quantization : builtins.bool
If true, a quantization algorithm is applied to the time series. Recognizes quantizations in the historic time series data and, if one has been detected, applies it to the forecasts.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


Class variables

var detect_changepoints : bool
var detect_outliers : bool
var detect_quantization : bool
var fixed_seasonalities : list[PositiveInt] | None
var model_config
var remove_leading_zeros : bool
var replace_outliers : bool
var seasonalities_to_test : list[list[PositiveInt] | PositiveInt] | None
var use_season_detection : bool
class RankingDetails (**data: Any)
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class RankingDetails(BaseModel):
    """Details of ranking of a model.

    rank_position: futureexpert.shared_models.PositiveInt
        The rank position of the model.
    score: builtins.float
        The score used to rank the model.

    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
    rank_position: ValidatedPositiveInt
    score: Annotated[float, Field(allow_inf_nan=False)]

Details of ranking of a model.


rank_position : PositiveInt
The rank position of the model.
score : builtins.float
The score used to rank the model.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var model_config
var rank_positionPositiveInt
var score : float
class ReportConfig (**data: Any)
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class ReportConfig(BaseConfig):
    """Forecast run configuration.

    matcher_report_id: typing.Optional
        Report ID of the covariate matcher.
    covs_versions: builtins.list
        List of versions of the covariates.
    covs_configuration: typing.Optional
        Mapping from actuals and covariates. Use for custom covariate or adjusted matcher results.
        If the matcher results should be used without changes use `matcher_report_id` instead.
    title: builtins.str
        Title of the report.
    actuals_filter: builtins.dict
        Filter criterion for actuals time series. The given actuals version is
        automatically added as additional filter criterion. Possible Filter criteria are all fields that are part
        of the TimeSeries class. e.g. {'name': 'Sales'}
        For more complex filter check:
    max_ts_len: typing.Optional
        At most this number of most recent observations is used. Check the variable MAX_TS_LEN_CONFIG
        for allowed configuration.
    preprocessing: futureexpert.forecast.PreprocessingConfig
        Preprocessing configuration.
    forecasting: futureexpert.forecast.ForecastingConfig
        Forecasting configuration.
    method_selection: typing.Optional
        Method selection configuration. If not supplied, then a granularity dependent default is used.
    pool_covs: typing.Optional
        List of covariate definitions.
    db_name: typing.Optional
        Only accessible for internal use. Name of the database to use for storing the results.
    priority: typing.Optional
        Only accessible for internal use. Higher value indicate higher priority.

    matcher_report_id: Optional[int] = None
    covs_versions: list[str] = Field(default_factory=list)
    covs_configuration: Optional[list[ActualsCovsConfiguration]] = None
    title: str
    actuals_filter: dict[str, Any] = Field(default_factory=dict)

    max_ts_len: Optional[int] = None

    preprocessing: PreprocessingConfig = PreprocessingConfig()
    forecasting: ForecastingConfig
    pool_covs: Optional[list[PoolCovDefinition]] = None
    method_selection: Optional[MethodSelectionConfig] = None
    db_name:  Optional[str] = None
    priority: Annotated[Optional[int], pydantic.Field(ge=0, le=10)] = None

    def _correctness_of_cov_configurations(self) -> Self:
        if (self.matcher_report_id or self.covs_configuration) and (
                self.covs_versions is None and self.pool_covs is None):
            raise ValueError(
                'If one of `matcher_report_id` and `covs_configuration` is set also `covs_versions` needs to be set.')
        if (self.matcher_report_id is None and self.covs_configuration is None) and (
                self.covs_versions or self.pool_covs):
            raise ValueError(
                'If `covs_versions` or `pool_covs` is set ' +
                'either `matcher_report_id` or `covs_configuration` needs to be set.')
        if self.covs_configuration is not None and len(self.covs_configuration) == 0:
            raise ValueError('`covs_configuration` has length zero and therefore won`t have any effect. '
                             'Please remove the parameter or set to None.')
        return self

    def _only_one_covariate_definition(self) -> Self:
        fields = [

        set_fields = [field for field in fields if getattr(self, field) is not None]

        if len(set_fields) > 1:
            raise ValueError(f"Only one of {', '.join(fields)} can be set. Found: {', '.join(set_fields)}")

        return self

    def _backtesting_step_weights_refer_to_valid_forecast_steps(self) -> Self:
        if (self.method_selection
            and self.method_selection.step_weights
                and max(self.method_selection.step_weights.keys()) > self.forecasting.fc_horizon):
            raise ValueError('Step weights must not refer to forecast steps beyond the fc_horizon.')

        return self

    def _valid_covs_version(self) -> Self:
        for covs_version in self.covs_versions:
            if re.match('^[0-9a-f]{24}$', covs_version) is None:
                raise ValueError(f'Given covs_version "{covs_version}" is not a valid ObjectId.')
        return self

Forecast run configuration.


matcher_report_id : typing.Optional
Report ID of the covariate matcher.
covs_versions : builtins.list
List of versions of the covariates.
covs_configuration : typing.Optional
Mapping from actuals and covariates. Use for custom covariate or adjusted matcher results. If the matcher results should be used without changes use matcher_report_id instead.
title : builtins.str
Title of the report.
actuals_filter : builtins.dict
Filter criterion for actuals time series. The given actuals version is automatically added as additional filter criterion. Possible Filter criteria are all fields that are part of the TimeSeries class. e.g. {'name': 'Sales'} For more complex filter check:
max_ts_len : typing.Optional
At most this number of most recent observations is used. Check the variable MAX_TS_LEN_CONFIG for allowed configuration.
preprocessing : PreprocessingConfig
Preprocessing configuration.
forecasting : ForecastingConfig
Forecasting configuration.
method_selection : typing.Optional
Method selection configuration. If not supplied, then a granularity dependent default is used.
pool_covs : typing.Optional
List of covariate definitions.
db_name : typing.Optional
Only accessible for internal use. Name of the database to use for storing the results.
priority : typing.Optional
Only accessible for internal use. Higher value indicate higher priority.

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


Class variables

var actuals_filter : dict[str, typing.Any]
var covs_configuration : list[ActualsCovsConfiguration] | None
var covs_versions : list[str]
var db_name : str | None
var forecastingForecastingConfig
var matcher_report_id : int | None
var max_ts_len : int | None
var method_selectionMethodSelectionConfig | None
var model_config
var pool_covs : list[PoolCovDefinition] | None
var preprocessingPreprocessingConfig
var priority : int | None
var title : str
class TimeSeriesCharacteristics (**data: Any)
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class TimeSeriesCharacteristics(BaseModel):
    """Characteristics of a time series.

    season_length: typing.Optional
        Season length of the time series.
    ts_class: typing.Optional
        The time series class.
    trend: typing.Optional
        Details about the trend.
    recent_trend: typing.Optional
        Details about the recent_trend. Is only detected if the time series has at least 10 values.
    share_of_zeros: typing.Optional
        Share of the series values that are zero.
    mean_inter_demand_interval: typing.Optional
        The mean number of zeros between non-zero observations in the series.
    squared_coefficient_of_variation: typing.Optional
        Squared coefficient of variation of the series values.
    quantization: typing.Optional
        Detected value of the basic quantity.
    change_points: typing.Optional
        Details about detected change points.
    outliers: typing.Optional
        Details about detected outliers.
    missing_values: typing.Optional
        Details about missing values.
    num_trailing_zeros: typing.Optional
        Number of trailing zero values
    model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True)
    season_length: Optional[Sequence[ValidatedPositiveInt]] = Field(alias="season_lag", default=None)
    ts_class: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1)]] = None
    trend: Optional[Trend] = None
    recent_trend: Optional[Trend] = None
    share_of_zeros: Optional[Annotated[float, Field(ge=0., le=1.)]] = None
    mean_inter_demand_interval: Optional[NonNegativeFloat] = None
    squared_coefficient_of_variation: Optional[NonNegativeFloat] = None
    quantization: Optional[float] = None
    change_points: Optional[Sequence[ChangePoint]] = None
    outliers: Optional[Sequence[Outlier]] = None
    missing_values: Optional[Sequence[MissingValue]] = None
    num_trailing_zeros: Optional[int] = None

Characteristics of a time series.


season_length : typing.Optional
Season length of the time series.
ts_class : typing.Optional
The time series class.
trend : typing.Optional
Details about the trend.
recent_trend : typing.Optional
Details about the recent_trend. Is only detected if the time series has at least 10 values.
share_of_zeros : typing.Optional
Share of the series values that are zero.
mean_inter_demand_interval : typing.Optional
The mean number of zeros between non-zero observations in the series.
squared_coefficient_of_variation : typing.Optional
Squared coefficient of variation of the series values.
quantization : typing.Optional
Detected value of the basic quantity.
change_points : typing.Optional
Details about detected change points.
outliers : typing.Optional
Details about detected outliers.
missing_values : typing.Optional
Details about missing values.
num_trailing_zeros : typing.Optional
Number of trailing zero values

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var change_points : Sequence[ChangePoint] | None
var mean_inter_demand_interval : float | None
var missing_values : Sequence[MissingValue] | None
var model_config
var num_trailing_zeros : int | None
var outliers : Sequence[Outlier] | None
var quantization : float | None
var recent_trendTrend | None
var season_length : Sequence[PositiveInt] | None
var share_of_zeros : float | None
var squared_coefficient_of_variation : float | None
var trendTrend | None
var ts_class : str | None
class Trend (**data: Any)
Expand source code
class Trend(BaseModel):
    """Trend details.

    trend_probability: builtins.float
        The probability of the detected trend.
    is_trending: builtins.bool
        Indicates whether a trend has been detected for the time series
    trend_probability: Annotated[float, Field(ge=0., le=1., allow_inf_nan=False)]
    is_trending: bool

Trend details.


trend_probability : builtins.float
The probability of the detected trend.
is_trending : builtins.bool
Indicates whether a trend has been detected for the time series

Create a new model by parsing and validating input data from keyword arguments.

Raises [ValidationError][pydantic_core.ValidationError] if the input data cannot be validated to form a valid model.

self is explicitly positional-only to allow self as a field name.


  • pydantic.main.BaseModel

Class variables

var model_config
var trend_probability : float